Resources for your sanity 🙃

If you’re pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your kid can’t handle the sound of the vacuum, or why they won’t eat strawberries on Thursdays — you’re in the right place. Welcome to the blog.

Rebecca Stormer Rebecca Stormer

Will learning two languages delay my child’s speech?

To Bilingual or Not to Bilingual? Dive into the linguistic revolution as we explore the untapped potential of raising bilingual champions and debunk some common myths about raising a child learning two or more languages.

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Terrey Hope Terrey Hope

Hips in babies - fear not the harness!

Been told to get your baby’s hips checked? Be alert but not alarmed. We’ll guide you through what hip dysplasia is, what to look out for and how to address those clicky hips. Learn here what all the fuss is about and why early detection matters.

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Terrey Hope Terrey Hope

I’m worried my baby’s head is flat!

Ever noticed a flattening on one side of your baby's head? Plagiocephaly, or asymmetrical head shape, might be at play. Often linked to positional factors during sleep or even torticollis, it's a common concern among parents. Learn how simple adjustments, such as repositioning during sleep and encouraging tummy time, can make a significant impact.

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Guest User Guest User

Picky Eaters

Did you know that you have up to 4,000( taste buds (sensory receptors) on your tongue? In fact the tongue is the most sensitive organ of the whole body! It not only picks up taste but texture and gives us information to protect our body from poisons - especially from bitter or sour foods historically.

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Guest User Guest User

Ouch that hurts my ears!

While fear of everyday sounds may not be a huge reason for concern, some children experience sounds as louder than other people. This can lead to worry or fear around certain sounds that we may feel are just everyday ordinary sounds - the sound of thunder, or the sound of rain. Some children become overly fearful of uncontrollable or unpredictable sounds such as the blender or hand dryer in a public bathroom.

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Guest User Guest User

What’s that sound?

Have you ever thought about how many sounds we encounter on a day to day basis? Babies crying, hand dryers, crowds of people and background music at the shops. Can you imagine if you couldn’t filter out every background noise you hear day to day? Can you imagine if you heard every bell ringing, every dog barking, every bird chirping, every person talking all at once? It would be enough to make you go crazy!

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